Trip Report: International Yunlin Puppet Theatre Festival 2013


Dear friends,

Frankie and team returned last week from their first-ever trip to Taiwan’s International Yunlin Puppet Theatre Festival 2013 from 5 – 13 October 2013. They had a fantastic time at the Festival. There were 19 groups from six countries at the Festival, including Indonesia, South Korea, Japan and Hong Kong. Our good friends from the Behind the Actors Theatre Group from Indonesia (who organised the Bandung International Puppet Festival last month) were there as well.

We presented eight performances of ‘Streets of Singapore’, as well as two puppetry workshops throughout the Festival. We also had the privilege of meeting with the Director-General of Cultural Affairs of Yunlin County and presented him with a keepsake from Singapore as well.

Frankie and team with the official artists and delegates of the Festival.
opening ceremony Yunlin
The opening ceremony of the Festival.
Frankie performing at the Puppet House.
Frankie performing at the Puppet House.
Performing at the Yunlin Puppet House
Frankie in Yunlin Taiwan
Post-show interaction and demonstration.
Directory General Liou Chen Chi
With Director-General Mr. Lou Chien Chi.
Performing at the Wenyang Primary School.


Marco our puppet dog is getting excited. 🙂
The children at Wenyang Primary School.
With the principal of Wenyang Primary School.

This trip is presented with the kind support of the Singapore International Foundation and Lee Foundation Singapore. 

With special thanks to: